We are one of the oldest producers of sustainable fabrics and we operate in one of the greenest places in Europe. Here the rolling hills covered in vineyards, meadows, woods, and creeks inspire a true connection with nature like it used to be. We were born from these hills, from this tradition of being one with nature. Whatever we do needs to sustain us and nurture us: our people, our creativity, our land, and our nature. Everything we do hinges on this one simple rule.

Ecologic wastewater treatment

We use a lot of water for our sustainable fabrics and we are lucky to be operating in an environment where this resource is abundant. However, the production process can pollute the water with different residues that have no place in nature, so it is our utmost responsibility to remove them fully before returning the water we borrowed back into nature.
With the goal of cleaning the water in a sustainable and environment-friendly way, we clean our water in two stages. We start with electrocoagulation and add biological treatment in the second stage. The latter enlists the help of bacteria and plants to remove excessive carbon and nitrogen compounds, while not burdening the environment with any additional waste.
Effective yet environment-friendly

Our new treatment plant basically looks like a garden high bed with some bamboo planted in it. The bacteria growing on the gravel, pebbles and the roots of the plants do all the dirty work for us while the wastewater is slowly meandering underneath. Even though it looks very unassuming, it is extremely effective.
Would you like to learn more about our sustainable fabrics and how we keep our production line as environment friendly as possible?
Funded by the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia
Title of the operation: Pilot Wastewater Treatment Plant – WWTP
Main purpose/objective of the operation: As one of the sustainable fabric manufacturers in Europe Tekstina wishes to invest in and operate its own wastewater treatment plant for ecologic reasons and to reduce costs. The aim of the project is to select the best sustainable treatment technology and to optimise the treatment process. The WWTP project aims to determine the necessary capacity for wastewater pre-treatment, to find the optimal size of the storage basin and to determine the size of the plant for the final biological treatment.
Impacts of the operation: Increased sustainability of the company and a further contribution to the care for a clean environment.
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. It has been selected for co-financing in a public tender for “Promoting sustainable strategic business transformation and development of new business models in Slovenian companies to facilitate integration into global value chains”
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